
Although Baruch College has been increasing its social media efforts, specifically on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, in my opinion, the school has yet to properly capture the undivided attention of its 17,000+ students. In the past three years, I’ve never come across any content that I genuinely found interesting, nor engaging, on any of Baruch’s social media platforms. Why? Because the school has not done a thorough job in vetting the interests of all the students that currently embody the institution. Going forward, I believe that the school could definitely increase student engagement on its social media platforms if it were to have a majority of its incoming freshmen pool initially submit surveys in their FRO classes, stating what topics they would possibly like to see on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. As a result, Baruch could definitely have a better sense in regards to what type of content may truly pique the interests of its students, and may also be able to shift its focus towards developing platforms in which students would most likely be willing to engage in.


  1. Hey Josh, I think having students voice their opinions on what they are most interested in. Honestly speaking, I never really had any interest in what goes on in Baruch's social media platforms. I think this would be way different if we could actually say what we want to talk about.

  2. Hello Josh,

    I agree with your view that Baruch doesn't have many interesting things to share on social media. However, I believe some do find that interesting and it is the students job to share that among its peers. I think if you believe events are not interesting enough, you should partner with friends and create events or clubs that are exciting to you guys in hopes people will follow. That in turn will make Baruch post your new club or interesting event on their social media page.


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