LinkedIn: Digitally Shaping the World of Business

Through the emergence of digital media, various industries have been enabled with new web-based approaches to stay informed, connected, and involved with one another. One notable platform which has, so far, led the efforts in bringing these diverse communities together is a social networking service called “LinkedIn.” Business students, such as myself, have constantly utilized this service to gain insight from industry leaders, learn about new career opportunities, and most importantly, to build a professional network within our own respective interests.

Having realized how essential LinkedIn has been throughout my first three-years in college, I’ve decided to initiate my research paper on how LinkedIn continues to digitally shape the current world of business; the platform is revolutionizing talent acquisition, marketing, and business connectivity. For this paper, I plan to gain 40% of my research from scholarly references in the Gale Virtual Reference Library, with the remaining 60% coming from LinkedIn articles, Baruch College professors, and a former mentor who currently works in the Customer Experience division of LinkedIn. By the end, I hope to gain an in-depth understanding of how LinkedIn is impacting the business community, and how it may continue to affect the way people network in the near future.


  1. Hi Josh,

    First of all, I'd like to say that the name of the blog is clever and amused me, so thank you for that.
    This looks like a very interesting project, and it seems like your references, which are so precisely mentioned, are very reliable and will bring about valid information.
    Looking forward to reading more about the project.
    Best of luck to you!


  2. Hey Josh,

    I find your topic to be very interesting and it is very much relevant to most of us here, given that a majority of students are business majors. I know that Linkedin revolutionized the way that recruiters find new talent in many ways, so I'm excited to see how you approach this.


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